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Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are?

Lun 24 Avr - 17:36

Eve Polastri
Eve Polastri

IRL ▴ infos
Notes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? E42bb7033f26ae12b8245b6228e4a8de81288c82
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 35b07e2f34b8848af3e772e4283f5921c6ce79d8
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 0747e14b0d219ecba45d1fc2ded1c72e802c0ea7
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2e45934f669414be6f7ffe9d8d0c7920174ce128
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 77707ee18479794a18f04d3cf392d9caef1c4aa5

Côté Coeur :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo2_400

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo5_400

Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Faceclaim :
Sandra Oh
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Violence | Sang | Sexe | Meurtres | Crimes | Complot mondial | Espionnage | Obsession | Relation de codépendance | Chantage | Infidélité
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
Agent du MI6 enquêtant sur SPECTRE
Quartier :
Mid-City District
Localisation :
Convictions :
Elle ne sait pas grand-chose du phénomène des portes et préfère ne rien savoir
Âge RP :
41 ans
Pronoms RP :
Origines :
Killing Eve (saison 2)
Citation :
I left a man to die so I could save a psychopath.
Objectifs :
Retrouver Villanelle.
Gif :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo4_400
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo1_400
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_p40jr5YXAZ1vnzgkjo8_640 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Irene11 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Les-trois-mousquetaires-dartagnan-eva-green-francois-civil-vincent-cassel1 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Dh8IICxW0AE6OLx Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Doutor-estranho-2 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1*_z70SYJfGs0ptPqUSQwn2A Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_mru09cboUT1rf29u9o1_1280 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eva-green-wallpaper-preview Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? F53161cb48960ba7556d99e88f2eb8bc--harry-potter-world-harry-potter-characters Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? CommunityIcon_2verjprlw5191 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Gadot Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_ponbx36k7T1xmq33do7_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pgpx5vTxlH1uvu54uo6_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 29974cefe2c46f0d8898ca0ad621cbd4b05ef4b9 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2de9929fe7356145c323e3756373cd42 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_opuuwwMlmu1w3vqf9o2_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? B7a76105e5d0bf8ba41dae8bd259c6e8 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A9ac2309b76e067b6b769ddce166a02678d29745 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? F94e80134c60bcff6bd906921e0b8fd05b998185 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_nx2yf3wlMf1uq2x7no6_250 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A0f928ae55b8e3cf4579bdaf0cf9100f Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 3b689aead8fb2f037050d00384ede168 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 40ae7d47697e5bfdd0b871fde4ba94a6a8ae8dad Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8351569d60bfffc5663c6357a99ae79f Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pm40kxTKCA1vlkwtxo4_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? D8eb2e2d13e18adbf7abdcde7739d854 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Screen-Shot-2019-01-15-at-4.05.11-PM Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pa6e49QzyN1vn2kogo6_250 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Bf1b33e9a292806c3df2443f955d6c49 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A8467ffb83f61bd4181c10dddf8128331a615284 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Cb218feda8d13d2806c369d4a0a6dfb8

Feuille de personnage

Dorian Gray
To be different. To be powerful. Is that not a divine gift?

─ identité d'origine ─

identité. Dorian Gray. naissance, âge. Date de naissance inconnue, mais Dorian a l'apparence d'un jeune homme approchant de la trentaine. Dans un souci de discrétion, il affirme qu'il a 29 ans.. signes astrologiques. Cancer, Rat de Bois. origines, nationalité. D'origine britannique, londonien. genre, pronoms. Il/He/Him. orientation sexuelle. Pansexuel. statut marital. Célibataire. métier. Gentleman richissime. lieu de vie. Londres. réputation. Dorian Gray est un mondain épris de la transgression, qui organise régulièrement des orgies dans son manoir. Il a la réputation d'un jeune homme aussi séducteur qu'élégant. animal totem. Le paon. groupe. the chosen ones. univers. Penny Dreadful.
─ nouvelle identité ─

Cette partie doit être renseignée dans le cas où votre personnage se présente autrement dans son nouveau monde (en sachant qu'il a obligatoirement une nouvelle identité à la NO). De plus, s'il n'a jamais voyagé et est resté dans son monde d'origine, c'est également inutile de la mentionner.

identité. . naissance, âge. répondre ici. origines, nationalité. répondre ici. genre, pronoms. . orientation sexuelle. . statut marital. . métier. répondre ici. quartier d'habitation. répondre ici. réputation en ville. répondre ici.
Reeve Carney
(i.) ses expériences et son passif ✯

faits anecdotiques à propos de ses voyages. Dorian a traversé trois portes, avec la volonté de les comprendre et de les apprivoiser dans le but de retrouver son précieux tableau, qui aurait disparu à travers l'une de ces portes. Éternel curieux, il a chaque fois tenté de comprendre les mœurs et les spécificités du monde dans lequel il a atterri, mais a fini par autant se lasser de ces mondes-ci que du sien.
chronologie complète.
Date de naissance inconnue.

1891 - 1893 :

- Dorian Gray, riche gentleman qui s'ennuie bien trop facilement, engage une prostituée du nom de Brona Croft qu'il fait venir dans son manoir pour une séance photo pornographique. Lors de cette séance, Dorian découvre que Brona est atteinte de tuberculose. Fasciné par le fait d'avoir accueilli sous son toit une jeune femme destinée à mourir très prochainement, il en oublie son ennui pour un court instant et, selon ses propres termes, baise cette créature mourante.

- Dorian fait la rencontre de Vanessa Ives lors d'une séance de spiritisme organisée par Ferdinand Lyle. Vanessa se fait posséder par une mystérieuse entité lors de cette séance, ce qui fascine Dorian, qui tâchera alors de séduire Vanessa.

- Au cours d'une soirée au théâtre, Dorian croise Vanessa, Brona, ainsi qu'un certain Ethan Chandler. Dorian reconnaît Brona, qui, troublée de le voir dans ces circonstances, s'enfuit. Tout en échangeant quelques mots de nature séductrice avec Vanessa, Dorian s'intéresse de près à Ethan et à ce qu'il soupçonne de monstrueux chez lui. Il emmène l'homme à un combat illégal opposant un chien et des rats, ce qui agace férocement Ethan. Pour lui changer les idées, Dorian fait venir Ethan chez lui et lui fait boire de l'absinthe. Ils passeront la nuit ensemble.

- Vanessa et Dorian se rencontreront par hasard quelques fois, puis dîneront ensemble, et enfin, passeront une nuit ensemble. Lors de ces ébats, Vanessa se fait de nouveau posséder. Elle comprend que Dorian Gray est un être dangereux qui aurait tendance à exacerber sa part la plus sombre, et que son affinité avec le surnaturel ne la rend que plus sensible aux possessions. Elle rejette alors les avances de Dorian, qui pour la première fois de son existence, ressent le chagrin du rejet. On peut même affirmer que c'est la première fois que Dorian a le cœur brisé.

- Alors qu'il tente d'oublier Vanessa, Dorian fait la rencontre d'Angélique, une jeune femme qui, comme lui, possède un goût certain pour la transgression et les provocations mondaines. Dorian et Angélique vivent quelques semaines d'idylle amoureuse, mais Dorian y met tragiquement fin après qu'Angélique ait découvert son secret : le tableau renfermant son âme, et qui le préserve de tout. C'est en lui permettant de contempler ce tableau que Dorian met fin aux jours d'Angélique en lui faisant boire du poison à son insu.

- Dorian fait ensuite la connaissance de Lily Frankenstein, en qui il reconnaît Brona, la prostituée qu'il avait engagée, transformée en créature immortelle. Lily et Dorian se font alors connaître comme un couple dévastateur. Dorian aide Lily à libérer quelques jeunes femmes de leur condition de prostituées abusées par les hommes, et l'aide même à mettre en place une révolution féministe. Mais après quelques semaines à accueillir ces jeunes femmes sous son toit, Dorian finit par se lasser de l'irrespect dont elles font preuve à son égard et de ce fourmillement incessant mais, à ses yeux, inutile. Il explique en effet à Lily qu'il a vu naître des tonnes de révolution, mais que toutes ont été vaines. Pour se débarrasser de Lily, il fait appel à Victor Frankenstein, qui compte la "guérir". Dorian se condamne à la solitude, admettant ouvertement que l'ennui et le vide sont un mince prix à payer pour l'éternelle perfection que lui confère son tableau.

1894 : Enfermé dans son manoir, Dorian se réveille un beau matin pour constater que son tableau a disparu. En quête de ce dernier, il traverse un mystérieux portail qui le mène à un autre monde. Un monde peuplé de créatures dont il découvre alors l'existence. Elfes, Hobbits et autres espèces qui n'auront de cesse de le fasciner. Il y restera trois ans, avant de comprendre que son tableau ne se trouve pas dans ce monde et de trouver une autre porte pour la traverser.

1983 : C'est en Amérique que Dorian arrive, dans une ville du nom d'Hawkins. Il y reste deux ans, puis part après avoir écumé la ville sans trouver le portrait.

2009 : Dorian se trouve toujours aux États-Unis, cette fois-ci dans la ville de Mystic Falls. Là, il retrouve des éléments familiers, notamment l'existence des vampires, des sorcières… Mais il comprend que ces espèces ne sont pas affiliées à celles qu'il connaissait, à Londres. Toujours en quête de son portrait, c'est pour le moment à Mystic Falls que son voyage s'est arrêté.

arbre généalogique. Il est possible que Dorian ait des descendants, mais il n'en connaît et n'en a reconnu aucun. Il est également fort probable qu'il ne puisse pas avoir de descendance.
(ii.) ses actions & leurs conséquences ✯

effets secondaires du fait de ses voyages. Dorian peut se targuer d'être doté d'une excellente mémoire, ce qui est aussi utile que pénible, pour cet immortel qui aimerait pouvoir redécouvrir le monde inlassablement afin de tromper l'ennui. Toutefois, les souvenirs associés à ses voyages inter dimensionnels sont plus vagues que les souvenirs qu'il conserve de son monde d'origine.
son inventaire. Dorian a emporté l'unique photographie qu'il possède et qu'il conserve précieusement dans la poche de sa veste, près de son cœur. La photographie d'une certaine Vanessa Ives, préservée dans un pendentif.
(iii.) sa personnalité & ses compétences ✯

faits divers.
- Dorian Gray est un immortel ayant transféré son âme dans un tableau à son effigie. Le tableau subit, à sa place, les épreuves du temps, ainsi que tout ce qui pourrait altérer l'état physique de Dorian. Tant que le tableau n'est pas détruit, Dorian est insensible aux maladies, à la faim, à la soif, même aux blessures physiques, dont il ressent la douleur mais dont il guérit très rapidement. Même une lame plongée dans le cœur ne serait pas fatale, pour lui.

- Dorian est fasciné par les êtres qui, comme lui, possèdent une affinité avec le surnaturel ou avec les êtres qui sont, eux aussi, immortels. Il les reconnaît instinctivement, si bien qu'il suffit d'une rencontre pour qu'il soit irrémédiablement attiré par ces individus si rares.

- Il a fait le tour du monde, à plusieurs reprises, en quête des plus grandes merveilles et découvertes, ainsi que des plus grands scandales. Mais même les voyages ont fini par le lasser.
Avide de découvertes et de nouveautés
Ouvert d'esprit
Fangs (Elle/She/Her).
à propos du personnage. Personnage original. âge. 26 ans. crédits. horrorgalery. comment nous as-tu connu ?  hands . toi.  vomraindow
Lun 24 Avr - 17:36

Eve Polastri
Eve Polastri

IRL ▴ infos
Notes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? E42bb7033f26ae12b8245b6228e4a8de81288c82
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 35b07e2f34b8848af3e772e4283f5921c6ce79d8
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 0747e14b0d219ecba45d1fc2ded1c72e802c0ea7
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2e45934f669414be6f7ffe9d8d0c7920174ce128
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 77707ee18479794a18f04d3cf392d9caef1c4aa5

Côté Coeur :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo2_400

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo5_400

Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Faceclaim :
Sandra Oh
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Violence | Sang | Sexe | Meurtres | Crimes | Complot mondial | Espionnage | Obsession | Relation de codépendance | Chantage | Infidélité
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
Agent du MI6 enquêtant sur SPECTRE
Quartier :
Mid-City District
Localisation :
Convictions :
Elle ne sait pas grand-chose du phénomène des portes et préfère ne rien savoir
Âge RP :
41 ans
Pronoms RP :
Origines :
Killing Eve (saison 2)
Citation :
I left a man to die so I could save a psychopath.
Objectifs :
Retrouver Villanelle.
Gif :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo4_400
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pmrqjxEVc31x7tswyo1_400
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_p40jr5YXAZ1vnzgkjo8_640 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Irene11 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Les-trois-mousquetaires-dartagnan-eva-green-francois-civil-vincent-cassel1 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Dh8IICxW0AE6OLx Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Doutor-estranho-2 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1*_z70SYJfGs0ptPqUSQwn2A Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_mru09cboUT1rf29u9o1_1280 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eva-green-wallpaper-preview Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? F53161cb48960ba7556d99e88f2eb8bc--harry-potter-world-harry-potter-characters Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? CommunityIcon_2verjprlw5191 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Gadot Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_ponbx36k7T1xmq33do7_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pgpx5vTxlH1uvu54uo6_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 29974cefe2c46f0d8898ca0ad621cbd4b05ef4b9 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2de9929fe7356145c323e3756373cd42 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_opuuwwMlmu1w3vqf9o2_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? B7a76105e5d0bf8ba41dae8bd259c6e8 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A9ac2309b76e067b6b769ddce166a02678d29745 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? F94e80134c60bcff6bd906921e0b8fd05b998185 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_nx2yf3wlMf1uq2x7no6_250 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A0f928ae55b8e3cf4579bdaf0cf9100f Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 3b689aead8fb2f037050d00384ede168 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 40ae7d47697e5bfdd0b871fde4ba94a6a8ae8dad Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8351569d60bfffc5663c6357a99ae79f Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pm40kxTKCA1vlkwtxo4_400 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? D8eb2e2d13e18adbf7abdcde7739d854 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Screen-Shot-2019-01-15-at-4.05.11-PM Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_pa6e49QzyN1vn2kogo6_250 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Bf1b33e9a292806c3df2443f955d6c49 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A8467ffb83f61bd4181c10dddf8128331a615284 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Cb218feda8d13d2806c369d4a0a6dfb8

Feuille de personnage

(v.) moodboard ✯

les codes & images de présentation du moodboard sont de @heresy
Lun 24 Avr - 18:23

Reva Sevander
Reva Sevander

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Elle. She. Her.
Faceclaim :
Moses Ingram.
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Guerre. Infanticide. Génocide. Sang. Sexe. Violence.
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
Troisième Soeur.
Quartier :
Localisation :
Convictions :
Elle envisage ce phénomène comme intéressant, exploitable... mais dont il faut se méfier néanmoins tant qu'il n'aura pas été convenablement maîtrisé.
Race :
Âge RP :
29 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle, She, Her.
Origines :
Star Wars (Série Kenobi)
Citation :
"The braver you seem, the more afraid you are.
Objectifs :
L'objectif de Reva a longtemps été de se venger de Darth Vader... en l'absence de ce dernier, sa loyauté envers l'Empire est de plus en plus vacillante, et elle ignore exactement ce qu'elle doit faire.
Gif :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 652cf01e1fe3ea45f0b8b0d2f9d2fa35150c6734
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? B30a6a0f51067213e03db84ad291553b0213f23f
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 0ivz7tbzs2691Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2b2528ebe8e331ef3962e89a5c92c501b5ab0d1dr1-524-858v2_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2Q==Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? EYDGUJJBQLBKJU2LC4NODCXPLQDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 5ec0801cd9054a5089ef5f15408b6815Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2Q==Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Colin-farrell-speaks-at-adobe-emea-summit-at-excel-on-may-news-photo-1677767993.jpg?crop=0.667xw:1.00xh;0Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 3853711b20a84ef264d589fe0d69e0c25f5274b0Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8230a6229ee9d087d1a627764ac1abc4e8d03fdcr1-320-300v2_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Princesses-auroraDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ab67706c0000da84036443274289f6024ddc7619Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? JonissGadge.128.405653Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? FRU81UeWUAUwIwx_pqrjktDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw-526ZA2Rtcdrr4uTN3gXsT3uMTkc4Whs5A&usqp=CAUDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 317656Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 085547e67f09b6fa19d0ed4b52048f70Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 7ies97v415ta1Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 26a4e521-5f10-4366-a049-3c2316075c8bDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8a029ceab14d89471af7d13fd9e47d0bDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 01ce367d3f9c66a28a63e050347d6a03

Feuille de personnage

Lun 24 Avr - 23:09

Wilhuff Tarkin
you may fire when ready

Wilhuff Tarkin

IRL ▴ infos
Notes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 3kmb
Côté Coeur :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_onljktVjmp1ro1e7ko2_r2_500
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_onljktVjmp1ro1e7ko6_r1_500

Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Il | He | Him
Faceclaim :
Peter Cushing
Crédits :
Avatar : Spicy Pumpkin (la plus belle) | Gifs de profil : Molinaesque | Moodboard : Aphra <3
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Guerre | Manipulation psychologique | Torture physique et psychologique | Génocide | Sexualité explicite | Sociopathie
Triggers :
Vos limites sont les miennes.
Dollars :
Occupation :
Dans son monde d'origine : Grand Moff, Gouverneur de la Bordure extérieure || A la Nouvelle-Orléans : il a progressivement gravi les échelons, monté son propre parti politique à tendance conservatrice, jusqu'à se hisser au rang de maire de la ville.
Quartier :
Il vit au centre-ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans, dans une grande résidence luxueuse affiliée à la mairie.
Localisation :
Loin de sa galaxie d'origine, à la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Convictions :
Impérialiste convaincu, il veut déployer les convictions et préceptes portés par Palpatine dans ce nouveau monde.
Race :
Âge RP :
53 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Il | He | Him
Origines :
Star Wars (Dessins animés, films, comics et livres) | Version alternative du personnage.;
Citation :
"I do small favors for certain people. I once balanced these favors between opposing sides. Lately, my efforts have become a bit more lopsided. Balance is no longer necessary."
Objectifs :
Exploiter le phénomène des portes à son avantage | Assujettir tous les univers à la haute autorité impériale.
Gif :
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 444e0d3ef962e3567fbdd1ff040f625d
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? CommunityIcon_b407drr1pjm91Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2721548-1797268_delia_and_mimey_largeDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? C7109fff7f58fc73cce6234b5c98b5bf11f2ea69_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_6f61f305e976_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? UczTDm-w_400x400Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_786b733591f7_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Aaron-tveitDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpjzPOtB8m-72YAdgLSFIbeU6poWcRjIxk8w&usqp=CAUDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 9k=Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 290px-Wielki_Moff_Tarkin_02Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eb844ac400284cb98aa3f3265852e5dfDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ym2Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1686350796-zegegDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 076_CHL_143277Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Peter%2BCushing%2Bin%2BThe%2BMummyDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 74194b67646df8cb5369347cfac38dbeDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 960x0Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? MikkelsenDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Indiana-jones-5-star-phoebe-waller-bridge-says-maybe-in-the-future-well-see-a-helena-shaw-spinoffDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 7a5d74a9-80fb-48e0-b7a0-4140f03d8f56Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Mads-Mikkelsen_GQ_06Sep13_pr_1280Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 254321_fullDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_c6e63370ceb1_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_d704281de829_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 85671c33795b5ec33e503d8c70d6644b27043ffcv2_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_7b56aa33bd28_128

Feuille de personnage

Rebienvenue avec ce si bon choix de personnage fan fan fan fan
Mar 25 Avr - 15:28

Galadriel of the Ñoldor
Galadriel of the Ñoldor

IRL ▴ infos
Côté Coeur :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 7837ee6b8ad883aa7a82d7f7ca96a56c445d8ebb

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 0c621578631f2baa374be807fd8003b7f612368b
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ff02dfb9d3a8ac0c443b51b900bd933aab0de8a9

Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Il | He | Him
Faceclaim :
Morfydd Clark
Crédits :
Behind Fairytales
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Guerre | Violence physique et psychologique | Sexualité explicite
Triggers :
Vos limites sont les miennes.
Dollars :
Occupation :
Princesse sans trône, guerrière sans armée.
Localisation :
En Terre du Milieu, où se trouve sa place.
Convictions :
Galadriel s'est toujours laissée guider par son intuition et ses ambitions... et l'attrait du pouvoir est susceptible de lui faire commettre des choix redoutables. Le phénomène des portes l'intrigue certes, mais Galadriel n'a aucune intention de quitter Arda.
Race :
Âge RP :
Elfe millénaire, elle a l'apparence d'une jeune femme d'environ vingt-sept ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle | She | Her
Origines :
Lord of the Rings (The Silmarillion, Rings of Power, The Hobbit)
Citation :
Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!
Objectifs :
Les objectifs de Galadriel sont encore incertains. Elle se convainc pour l'heure de vouloir récupérer l'Anneau unique afin d'empêcher Sauron de s'en servir au pire des escients (et pour se l'accaparer).
Gif :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Lord-of-the-rings-rings-of-power
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? B1cf7ecd7cb12ac19e88ad248989f319e903e4cc
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? CommunityIcon_b407drr1pjm91Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2721548-1797268_delia_and_mimey_largeDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? C7109fff7f58fc73cce6234b5c98b5bf11f2ea69_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_6f61f305e976_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? UczTDm-w_400x400Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_786b733591f7_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Aaron-tveitDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpjzPOtB8m-72YAdgLSFIbeU6poWcRjIxk8w&usqp=CAUDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 9k=Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 290px-Wielki_Moff_Tarkin_02Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eb844ac400284cb98aa3f3265852e5dfDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ym2Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1686350796-zegegDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 076_CHL_143277Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Peter%2BCushing%2Bin%2BThe%2BMummyDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 74194b67646df8cb5369347cfac38dbeDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 960x0Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? MikkelsenDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Indiana-jones-5-star-phoebe-waller-bridge-says-maybe-in-the-future-well-see-a-helena-shaw-spinoffDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 7a5d74a9-80fb-48e0-b7a0-4140f03d8f56Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Mads-Mikkelsen_GQ_06Sep13_pr_1280Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 254321_fullDorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_c6e63370ceb1_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_d704281de829_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 85671c33795b5ec33e503d8c70d6644b27043ffcv2_128Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Avatar_7b56aa33bd28_128

Feuille de personnage

━ la validation.

❝ bravo à toi, tu es validé (ée) ❞

commentaires de Oly. @Dorian Gray

J'aime tellement ce personnage !!! Et il t'ira à la perfection, je n'ai aucun doute là-dessus  noway  noway J'ai très hâte de le voir évoluer sur le forum et de voir ce que tu vas en faire  love  love
aide à l'intégration. passe un coup d'oeil sur ces liens 938388270

Félicitations, tu es validé·ée.  aaaaa

Il y a des endroits incontournables pour bien intégrer ton personnage au forum. Passe dans les bottins pour le référencer un peu partout, ou dans les demandes pour lui créer des lieux nécessaires à son évolution. Tu peux obtenir un rang, une maison, un métier, beaucoup de choses !

Ton personnage en a terminé avec la paperasserie administrative et il lui faut des liens, des ships ou des RPs ? Si tu aimes le hasard et que tu es timide, c'est à cet endroit pour te faire conseiller par notre adorable communauté.  love

Si tu as des idées précises en tête, c'est dans la rubrique des scénarios et des pré-liens qu'il te faut aller.  3482194067

Ensuite, pourquoi ne pas poster tes fiches de liens ou de RPs et même tester les différents moyens de faire évoluer ses rapports avec les autres personnages à cet endroit ? Tu peux lister ses liens, ses sujets, ses échanges et correspondances, son carnet de voyage ou journal intime, et même t'amuser à le faire interviewer par les autres membres, haha.  frog

Pour t'aider à t'intégrer au sein de notre communauté, nous te proposons de participer au flood, de jouer avec nous, de nous montrer tes talents artistiques ou de plume, et même de visiter notre Discord adoré.

Un souci, une question ?
Pas d'inquiétude, contacte un membre de l'équipe administrative !  leche
Amuse-toi bien parmi nous  pinkheart

Jeu 27 Avr - 14:45

(Dr.) Victor Frankenstein
• the psychotic grave robber
from nothern europe
(Dr.) Victor Frankenstein

IRL ▴ infos
Notes :

— — ・ ・ ・ ※
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 200e48a4bcae59677db0b9787357f311 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ea4afcf25eb0799c6d1b43f3b91bfa10

❰ Anything they don’t understand, anything that doesn’t conform to their stupid little patterns, they DESTROY! They have to destroy it! But they haven’t beaten me. I WON'T let them beat me! ❱ Baron Frankenstein ・ The Evil of Frankenstein (1964)

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 3b90f3d534357ac1d10b61669523e563 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? De76ddd55a5449245be82cf0b0bbbf86
※ ・ ・ ・ — —

◆◇ ◈ ◇◆

『  FRANKINA ▹ rp
( victor frankenstein x christina )

I ⌜ tw · nsfw ⌟ ▴ II ⌜ tw · nsfw · event i ⌟ ▴ III ⌜ tw · nsfw · event ii ⌟

『  DUO ▹ rp


『  GROUPE ▹ rp


◆◇ ◈ ◇◆

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8f6ac1eaf28c1e75037f7e50e267529e14930b8c Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Ee5b3d3df436a6cb78fe1db63a827e18469129f2
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 415228b031e4f7b2c8963d1b27839934239aa8f0 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 26a1bbae3eb07e3248709aa25daae41c0a5eacd7


—⥼ ※ ⥽—


Côté Coeur :

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Cfd45c37336162f015bf3f67389ac449 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 02f7d3627e14f6b8e240a3120aa95a34
❛ It came as no surprise, you bring me back TO LIFE. Believe me when i say that you bleed for me, I'll bleed for you. I caught you walking through walls, drowned with applause from the world that makes me crazy. we are, we are the shaken, we are the M O N S T E R S underneath your bed. Believe what you read, we are, we are mistaken. We are the VOICES inside your head. Believe what you see, SWEETHEART. ❜

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 92fb28ffd77511eee85ab9194f34a2df Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? E4d0d39945bb8bc0e047f6f61ab762d2931d98f3

—⥼ ※ ⥽—

Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Xk0f

—⥼ ※ ⥽—




Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 192ccf49f851a3b140c32eb9db995cdb Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 2c7fc2b96de43f1cdaee9bb34f4bd0db
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eabff9200d89ddbea1d567bde5997304 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Cf9d64584b2f8a5eacd580d4c5290f18



Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 4u9f

—⥼ ※ ⥽—

Pseudo :
Spicy Pumpkin
Pronoms IRL :
Elle • She • Her
Faceclaim :
The handsome Peter Cushing
Crédits :
spicy pumpkin (avatar) • couchcushings, jihyo-x, spicy pumpkin (gifs)
Disponibilité :
— 6 / ∞ —
Warnings :
Mégalomanie • Complexe de Dieu • Inceste (fiançailles avec sa cousine, mais mariage annulé) • Violences physiques, psychologiques et sexuelles • Viol • Obsessions • Autoritarisme • Népotisme • Esclavagisme • Folie • Infidélité • Personnalité borderline, troubles narcissiques, maniaques et obsessionnels • Harcèlement • Cruauté • Expériences humaines et animales • Tortures • Sexualité explicite • Misogynie • Supériorité d'une classe sociale sur une autre • Sociopathie • Perversité • Immoralité • Mépris de l'humanité et de la vie • Recherche compulsive de la perfection • Egoïsme mettant la vie d'autrui en danger • Absence de scrupules moraux, éthiques ou même sociaux • Pillage de tombes • Nécromancie • Nécrophilie • Aime un peu trop flirter avec la mort • Se moque comme de sa première chemise de la notion de consentement
Dollars :
Occupation :
Directeur de l'hôpital University Medical Center New Orleans • Neurochirurgien • Professeur émérite à la faculté de médecine de la Nouvelle-Orléans • Baron depuis des générations, aristocrate à temps plein
Quartier :
St. Charles Avenue. Un petit manoir à l'architecture victorienne.
Localisation :
Convictions :
Il trouve le phénomène des portes stupéfiant, et en bon savant et amoureux des sciences, a besoin de leur trouver une explication. Il a surtout besoin de savoir si ce phénomène peut lui être utile en quoi que ce soit dans sa quête perpétuelle de créer l'être humain parfait...
Race :
Âge RP :
44 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Il • He • Him
Origines :
Frankenstein ✮ Références faites au livre de Mary Shelley : « Frankenstein » et à la série de films produits par la Hammer, inspirés de ce même livre.
Citation :
❝ I'll give you life again. ❞ ─ Baron Frankenstein
Objectifs :
Créer l'être humain parfait, ─ beau et à l'intelligence supérieure.
Gif :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_op4xzwp2ag1ro1e7ko2_400
Gif 2 :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_om5aa0SY5E1ue7u70o1_400
Multicomptes :
Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Tumblr_p1hcedtHpi1w9iz7yo5_250 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Jed0 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Eadfca4aee48b124e08de1aaf009f6399d4ef2a4 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? PFR3Ofj Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? B51f965bb8da2d13b6344d384e6743dddb298adb Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Wibf Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1snc Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? A2e8b94415c2ccda3dda561f2f2bbfa7 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Bb7d4fdbd47e30af54e990f62f8af4fa915c5276 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 0ed1af2f18a86811c344c052cd766214 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 1b4bdba79fe1255ca059225431911a25 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 15fb7d28b6fc94ac7fceac6a86d48ea8 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? Wkr0 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 03d30060277ade70a9d1e6d5daee7f97 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 35f16097249e0f08f99aad936a56f568 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? OIP Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 5 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 6c8a1d38300fe48760b0ddd1317f5990 Dorian Gray - Don't we all want to paint ourselves into something better than we are? 8b234d82aff3bb98a8c5ef243c55aa8c

Feuille de personnage

Oh là là angel

J'ai jamais vu la série mais j'ai adoré le livre et le film avec Ben Barnes, ce personnage est génialissime devil

REBIENVENUE PARMI NOUS fan fan fan fan fan

Amuse-toi bien avec ton nouveau bébé luv love love

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