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Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until...

Jeu 20 Juil - 14:15

Barbara Handler
Barbara Handler

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Elle. She. Her.
Faceclaim :
Margot Robbie.
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
A la découverte d'elle-même et de ce qu'elle pourra devenir.
Quartier :
Garden District.
Localisation :
A la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Convictions :
Barbie ne sait que penser du phénomène des portes, elle y voit autant une opportunité qu'un danger.
Race :
Âge RP :
25 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle, She, Her.
Origines :
Barbie (2023)
Citation :
Do you guys ever think about dying?
Objectifs :
Être une humaine, tout simplement.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Barbie-margot-robbie
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Anigif_sub-buzz-893-1682389904-2
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 0ivz7tbzs2691Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2b2528ebe8e331ef3962e89a5c92c501b5ab0d1dr1-524-858v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... EYDGUJJBQLBKJU2LC4NODCXPLQBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Marvels-agatha-harkness_utyw.128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 5ec0801cd9054a5089ef5f15408b6815Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Colin-farrell-speaks-at-adobe-emea-summit-at-excel-on-may-news-photo-1677767993.jpg?crop=0.667xw:1.00xh;0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 3853711b20a84ef264d589fe0d69e0c25f5274b0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8230a6229ee9d087d1a627764ac1abc4e8d03fdcr1-320-300v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Princesses-auroraBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Ab67706c0000da84036443274289f6024ddc7619Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... JonissGadge.128.405653Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... FRU81UeWUAUwIwx_pqrjktBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw-526ZA2Rtcdrr4uTN3gXsT3uMTkc4Whs5A&usqp=CAUBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 317656Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 085547e67f09b6fa19d0ed4b52048f70Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7ies97v415ta1Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 26a4e521-5f10-4366-a049-3c2316075c8bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8a029ceab14d89471af7d13fd9e47d0bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 01ce367d3f9c66a28a63e050347d6a03

Barbie is everything.

─ identité d'origine ─

identité. Barbie (originale). naissance, âge. Le 9 mars 1959, éternellement figée à l'âge de 25 ans. signes astrologiques. Poisson. Cochon de terre. origines, nationalité. Originaire de Barbieland, création originale de Mattel. genre, pronoms. Elle, she, her. orientation sexuelle. Barbie n'a pas de sexe ni de sexualité. statut marital. En couple avec Ken ? Enfin, si l'on veut ? métier. Stereotypical Barbie. lieu de vie. Barbieland. réputation. Excellente. Tout le monde aime Barbie. animal totem. Le papillon. groupe. The Chosen Ones. univers. Barbie (film de 2023).
─ nouvelle identité ─

Cette partie doit être renseignée dans le cas où votre personnage se présente autrement dans son nouveau monde (en sachant qu'il a obligatoirement une nouvelle identité à la NO). De plus, s'il n'a jamais voyagé et est resté dans son monde d'origine, c'est également inutile de la mentionner.

identité. Barbara Handler. naissance, âge. Le 9 mars 1998 origines, nationalité. Américaine, originaire de Los Angeles. genre, pronoms. Femme cisgenre (elle, she, her). orientation sexuelle. Barbie n'avait jamais vraiment eu l'occasion de se poser la question, elle apprivoise à peine la notion de sexualité. statut marital. Célibataire. métier. A la recherche d'un emploi. quartier d'habitation. Carollton. réputation en ville. Elle semble parfois en décalage avec le monde réel, et l'on a parfois tendance à la prendre pour une poupée écervelée, mais ça ne durera pas.
Margot Robbie
(i.) ses expériences et son passif ✯

faits anecdotiques à propos de ses voyages.

Barbie a traversé les portes une fois sans s'en rendre compte. Elle pensait quitter pour de bon Barbieland pour rejoindre le vrai monde, afin de commencer sa nouvelle vie à Los Angeles, la voilà à La Nouvelle-Orléans... complètement livrée à elle-même.
chronologie complète.

1959 : Ruth Handler crée la Barbie, une poupée d'un nouvel ordre, une adulte miniature, pas un poupon qui apprendra aux petites filles à être des mamans parfaites, mais la projection petit format de tout ce qu'une femme peut aspirer à être. Barbie ? C'est tout. Tout ce qu'on veut. Barbie peut être présidente. Barbie peut être Prix Nobel, Barbie peut être chirurgien... La Barbie qui nous intéresse est la Barbie originelle... celle que l'on qualifiera de "Barbie stéréotypée...", premier prototype d'un modèle qui sera décliné en de très nombreuses versions différentes.

Barbie vit, comme toutes les autres Barbie (et les autres Ken. Et Allan) à Barbieland, dans sa parfaite maison de rêve, et y mène une vie absolument idéale. Chaque jour aussi heureux que celui de la veille, aussi heureux que celui du lendemain. La vie de Barbie est un rêve à répétition, et rien ne semble devoir entacher son bonheur.

Mais quelque chose a changé... dernièrement, les pensées de Barbie ont été assaillies de considérations particulièrement morbides. Barbie pense à la mort, à l'incompréhension générale... mais ce n'est pas son seul souci de préoccupation : voilà que, soudainement, ses pieds touchent le sol, et que ses cuisses parfaites ont ce quelque chose qu'on appelle la cellulite. Horrifiée, et après avoir demandé conseil aux autres Barbie, toutes lui conseillent d'aller trouver "Weird Barbie", une Barbie complètement usée par sa propriétaire, qui lui en a fait voir de toutes les couleurs. Barbie hésite, mais a-t-elle un autre choix ? Elle veut retrouver sa vie d'avant. Le conseille de Weird Barbie est sans appel : elle doit retrouver sa propriétaire, dans le vrai monde, afin de mettre fin à ce dysfonctionnement. En rejoignant le monde réel, elle sera capable de reconnaître immédiatement sa propriétaire, et de faire en sorte que tout revienne à la normale.

Barbie se met donc en route... accompagnée de Ken, qui insiste pour faire partie du voyage. Autant dire que leur arrivée dans le monde réel ne se fait pas sans soulever de nombreuses interrogations. Très vite, Ken et Barbie attirent l'attention de la direction de Mattel, qui décide de prendre les choses en mains. Barbie est invitée à rejoindre les locaux de Mattel, et à rejoindre sa boîte. D'abord prête à accepter afin de retrouver sa vie normale, la poupée a un cas de conscience et décide de quitter les locaux à toute vitesse. Elle est alors récupérée par Gloria, qui était la femme l'ayant récupérée, non pas une enfant, mais une mère de famille, employée de Mattel, dépressive qui trouvait une certaine forme de réconfort dans un imaginaire quelque peu morbide, qui s'est répercuté sur Barbie.

Barbie, pour échapper aux hommes de Mattel, retourne à Barbieland accompagnée de Gloria et de sa fille... ce à quoi elle ne s'attend pas, c'est à l'aspect qu'aura pris Barbieland en sa courte absence. Ken, reparti avant elle, galvanisé par sa découverte du patriarcat, a en effet profondément changé la face de Barbieland. Les Ken ont pris le contrôle, et les Barbie ont été brainwashées... Aidée de Gloria, et après un immense passage à vide, Barbie devra rassembler toute son ingéniosité pour réparer la situation, et rendre à Ken, qui n'a jamais existé qu'à travers elle, elle qui ne l'a jamais aimé comme il l'aurait voulu, la liberté d'être qui il veut. Quand tout semble revenir dans l'ordre, Barbie, elle, n'est pas satisfaite... au terme de cette expérience, elle n'est plus vraiment certaine de savoir ou de comprendre qui elle est réellement...

... le tout pour réaliser qu'elle peut en réalité être tout ce qu'elle veut. N'écoutant que son courage, Barbie décide de quitter Barbieland et d'essayer de vivre sa vie dans le vrai monde... Pour ce faire, elle traverse une porte, qui la mène tout droit à La Nouvelle-Orléans. Barbie n'y a pas retrouvé Gloria, qui lui avait jusqu'ici servi de guide. Elle doit conquérir son humanité et sa nouvelle vie seule... et ce sera tout sauf une partie de plaisir.

arbre généalogique.

Ruth Handler. Sa mère, si l'on veut. La créatrice de Barbie, décédée depuis bien longtemps (même si son fantôme hante toujours les l.ocaux de Mattel).
(ii.) ses actions & leurs conséquences ✯

effets secondaires du fait de ses voyages.

Barbie a gardé tous ses souvenirs de son monde. La grande différence entre son ancienne vie et la nouvelle, c'est la modification de son corps, devenu parfaitement humain. Barbie n'est plus une poupée stéréotypée parfaite. Et c'est ce qu'elle voulait.
son inventaire.

Barbie n'a rien conservé de son ancienne vie.
(iii.) sa personnalité & ses compétences ✯

faits divers.

Barbie stéréotypée :
Barbie est la Barbie originale, elle a été créée pour être parfaite et servir d'exemple, de modèle et de projection de rêve à toutes les petites filles de par le monde. Dans le monde réel, elle a renoncé à cette exigence de perfection, mais ce n'est pas simple tous les jours. Les habitudes reviennent au grand galop. Née poupée, elle n'a jamais été une enfant.
Lioune (elle, she, her).
à propos du personnage. Personnage original. âge. 33 ans (l'âge de... vieillesse  hide ). crédits. /. comment nous as-tu connu ? Je fais partie des murs  vomraindow  vomraindow . toi.  frog  frog  frog  frog  frog  frog  frog  frog
Jeu 20 Juil - 14:16

Barbara Handler
Barbara Handler

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Elle. She. Her.
Faceclaim :
Margot Robbie.
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
A la découverte d'elle-même et de ce qu'elle pourra devenir.
Quartier :
Garden District.
Localisation :
A la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Convictions :
Barbie ne sait que penser du phénomène des portes, elle y voit autant une opportunité qu'un danger.
Race :
Âge RP :
25 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle, She, Her.
Origines :
Barbie (2023)
Citation :
Do you guys ever think about dying?
Objectifs :
Être une humaine, tout simplement.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Barbie-margot-robbie
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Anigif_sub-buzz-893-1682389904-2
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 0ivz7tbzs2691Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2b2528ebe8e331ef3962e89a5c92c501b5ab0d1dr1-524-858v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... EYDGUJJBQLBKJU2LC4NODCXPLQBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Marvels-agatha-harkness_utyw.128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 5ec0801cd9054a5089ef5f15408b6815Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Colin-farrell-speaks-at-adobe-emea-summit-at-excel-on-may-news-photo-1677767993.jpg?crop=0.667xw:1.00xh;0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 3853711b20a84ef264d589fe0d69e0c25f5274b0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8230a6229ee9d087d1a627764ac1abc4e8d03fdcr1-320-300v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Princesses-auroraBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Ab67706c0000da84036443274289f6024ddc7619Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... JonissGadge.128.405653Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... FRU81UeWUAUwIwx_pqrjktBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw-526ZA2Rtcdrr4uTN3gXsT3uMTkc4Whs5A&usqp=CAUBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 317656Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 085547e67f09b6fa19d0ed4b52048f70Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7ies97v415ta1Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 26a4e521-5f10-4366-a049-3c2316075c8bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8a029ceab14d89471af7d13fd9e47d0bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 01ce367d3f9c66a28a63e050347d6a03

(v.) moodboard ✯

les codes & images de présentation du moodboard sont de @heresy
Jeu 20 Juil - 18:41


IRL ▴ infos
Notes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_ptqvmsl9Wi1wntt2p_1280
Côté Coeur :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 345c515d43030e5ab49efe797b7c9a24
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Faceclaim :
Ivana Baquero
Crédits :
alcara (avatar)
Disponibilité :
Présence réduite
Warnings :
Guerre | Possession | Violence | Maltraitance juvénile | Relations conflictuelles avec une figure paternelle | Deuil | Sexe
Triggers :
Aucun, faites-vous plaisir
Dollars :
Occupation :
Voleuse ; professeure de self-defense
Localisation :
Race :
Humaine réceptive à un certain type de magie
Âge RP :
25 ans
Pronoms RP :
Origines :
Les Chroniques de Shannara (série)
Citation :
All my life, I've had to break free from people who kept trying to control me.
Objectifs :
Trouver sa place et rester libre. Qu'importe le monde où elle se trouve.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_owxsdzeR4G1tp0b8fo5_500
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_o0kc3pHAhC1qbqad4o2_r3_250
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_p40jr5YXAZ1vnzgkjo8_640 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Irene11 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Les-trois-mousquetaires-dartagnan-eva-green-francois-civil-vincent-cassel1 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Dh8IICxW0AE6OLx Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Doutor-estranho-2 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1*_z70SYJfGs0ptPqUSQwn2A Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_mru09cboUT1rf29u9o1_1280 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Eva-green-wallpaper-preview Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... F53161cb48960ba7556d99e88f2eb8bc--harry-potter-world-harry-potter-characters Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... CommunityIcon_2verjprlw5191 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Gadot Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_ponbx36k7T1xmq33do7_400 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_pgpx5vTxlH1uvu54uo6_400 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 29974cefe2c46f0d8898ca0ad621cbd4b05ef4b9 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2de9929fe7356145c323e3756373cd42 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_opuuwwMlmu1w3vqf9o2_400 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... B7a76105e5d0bf8ba41dae8bd259c6e8 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... A9ac2309b76e067b6b769ddce166a02678d29745 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... F94e80134c60bcff6bd906921e0b8fd05b998185 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_nx2yf3wlMf1uq2x7no6_250 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... A0f928ae55b8e3cf4579bdaf0cf9100f Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 3b689aead8fb2f037050d00384ede168 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 40ae7d47697e5bfdd0b871fde4ba94a6a8ae8dad Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8351569d60bfffc5663c6357a99ae79f Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_pm40kxTKCA1vlkwtxo4_400 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... D8eb2e2d13e18adbf7abdcde7739d854 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Screen-Shot-2019-01-15-at-4.05.11-PM Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_pa6e49QzyN1vn2kogo6_250 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Bf1b33e9a292806c3df2443f955d6c49 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... A8467ffb83f61bd4181c10dddf8128331a615284 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Cb218feda8d13d2806c369d4a0a6dfb8

HI BARBIE fan fan fan fan ducky ducky ducky
Jeu 20 Juil - 18:46

Néfertari Meryenmout
Néfertari Meryenmout

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Il | He | Him
Faceclaim :
Golshifteh Farahani
Crédits :
french and furious
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Violence | Sang | Adultère | Sexe | Manipulation
Triggers :
Vos limites sont les miennes.
Dollars :
Occupation :
Dame de compagnie de la reine Ahmanet
Localisation :
Egypte ancienne.
Convictions :
Les portes lui offrent l'opportunité d'une nouvelle vie, une vie différente, et elle leur en est reconnaissante.
Race :
Âge RP :
33 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle | She | Her
Origines :
Exodus: Gods and Kings
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1011
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_inline_pm2naj1fHk1rc0vff_400
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... CommunityIcon_b407drr1pjm91Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2721548-1797268_delia_and_mimey_largeBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... C7109fff7f58fc73cce6234b5c98b5bf11f2ea69_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_6f61f305e976_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... UczTDm-w_400x400Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_786b733591f7_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Aaron-tveitBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpjzPOtB8m-72YAdgLSFIbeU6poWcRjIxk8w&usqp=CAUBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 9k=Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 290px-Wielki_Moff_Tarkin_02Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Eb844ac400284cb98aa3f3265852e5dfBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Ym2Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1686350796-zegegBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 076_CHL_143277Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Peter%2BCushing%2Bin%2BThe%2BMummyBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 74194b67646df8cb5369347cfac38dbeBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 960x0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... MikkelsenBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Indiana-jones-5-star-phoebe-waller-bridge-says-maybe-in-the-future-well-see-a-helena-shaw-spinoffBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7a5d74a9-80fb-48e0-b7a0-4140f03d8f56Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Mads-Mikkelsen_GQ_06Sep13_pr_1280Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 254321_fullBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_c6e63370ceb1_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_d704281de829_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 85671c33795b5ec33e503d8c70d6644b27043ffcv2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_7b56aa33bd28_128

Rebienvenue inlove inlove inlove
Il me tarde de voir ce film !! fan fan
Jeu 20 Juil - 19:48


IRL ▴ infos

J'ai vu le film hier soir haha ! Il est trop bien !

Re-bienvenue parmi nous ducky
Jeu 20 Juil - 20:03

Elias Klaber
Elias Klaber

IRL ▴ infos
Côté Coeur :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 258ad097076f2b21e659e415ce2aed517e58106e

I made you laugh, I made you cry,
I made you open up your eyes, didn't I?
I helped you open out your wings, your legs and many other things, didn't I?

Pseudo :
Spicy Pumpkin
Pronoms IRL :
Elle • She • Her
Faceclaim :
Boyd Holbrook
Crédits :
ostara-goddess (avatar) ∙ boydholbroook (gifs) ∙ ??? (crackgifs)
Disponibilité :
— 0 / ∞ —
Dollars :
Occupation :
Inspecteur de police municipale en Louisiane • Chef du commissariat du District 8 de la Nouvelle-Orléans, ─ le district réputé être le plus extrême et fasciste de la ville • Propriétaire secret d'un club nocturne très années 20 en vogue dans les beaux quartiers, ─ Klaber utilise ce club privé comme d'un quartier-général destiné aux affaires du groupuscule d'entraide entre ex-nazis et néo-nazis de Voller à l'étage supérieur (carré VIP) • Membre du groupe de néo-nazis de Jürgen Voller établi secrètement à la Nouvelle-Orléans. Le cliché du flic véreux.
Quartier :
Hyper-centre de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Warehouse District.
Localisation :
Convictions :
Il se moque comme de son premier revolver de ce phénomène incompréhensible et dangereux. Il laisse le soin à Voller d'analyser ce dernier et d'en tirer ses fameuses leçons de mathématiques.
Race :
Âge RP :
36 ans
Pronoms RP :
Il • He • Him
Origines :
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023 ✮ Film) ─ Réécriture légère sur la fin.
Citation :
❝ Drop your weapon! What the hell are you doing ?! ❞ ─ Agent Mason. ❝ Uhm, what the doctor tells me, miss Mason. (...) No witnesses. ❞ ─ Klaber upon being confronted by agent Mason after he and Hauke killed two college professors.
Objectifs :
Suivre Jürgen Voller. Exécuter tous les ordres de Jürgen Voller. Vivre dans le monde construit par le nazi Jürgen Voller. Un monde idéal pour tous les nazis. Plus secrètement : appartenir enfin à un groupe, quel qu'il soit.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... C765c0f6f5e87efddc1141d1d2be4859dfd59439
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... F1ffc208b00d8c6fb9ea77b425a2420ac469378e
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Tumblr_p1hcedtHpi1w9iz7yo5_250 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Jed0 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Eadfca4aee48b124e08de1aaf009f6399d4ef2a4 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... PFR3Ofj Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... B51f965bb8da2d13b6344d384e6743dddb298adb Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Wibf Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Rahb Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1snc Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... A2e8b94415c2ccda3dda561f2f2bbfa7 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Bb7d4fdbd47e30af54e990f62f8af4fa915c5276 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 0ed1af2f18a86811c344c052cd766214 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1b4bdba79fe1255ca059225431911a25 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 15fb7d28b6fc94ac7fceac6a86d48ea8 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Wkr0 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 03d30060277ade70a9d1e6d5daee7f97 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 35f16097249e0f08f99aad936a56f568 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... OIP Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 6c8a1d38300fe48760b0ddd1317f5990 Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8b234d82aff3bb98a8c5ef243c55aa8c


Feuille de personnage

HI BARBIE HI KEN fan fan fan fan fan fan


Comme je suis heureuse de la voir luv luv luv luv luv

REBIENVENUE CHEZ TOI LA PLUS BELLE DES BEAUTES  rage  rage  rage  rage  love  love  love  love  love  luv  luv  luv  luv

J'ai hâte de découvrir ce que tu vas en faire, nulle doute que tu vas la sublimer avec ta merveilleuse plume kokoro kokoro kokoro kokoro kokoro ahw ahw ahw ahw ahw ahw ahw

BARBIE TOUTE MON ENFANCE J'EN AVAIS PLEIN ET L'AVION DE BARBIE AUSSI vomraindow vomraindow vomraindow vomraindow vomraindow vomraindow vomraindow  oui bon j'aimais bien leur raser les cheveux aussi

Et la version girl power hands

Take a chance, let your body get a tolerance. I'm not a chance, put a heat wave in your pants. Pull a breath like another cigarette. Pawnshop heart trading up. On the oracle in my chest, let the guitar scream LIKE A FASCIST. Sweat it out, SHUT your mouth. Free love on the streets but, in the alley it ain't that cheap. I DON'T CARE what you think, as long as it's about me, the best of us can FIND HAPPINESS IN MISERY. »I DON'T CARE (THE FALLOUT BOY) ஃ ┗ HE'S MENTALLY ILL, THE HOMICIDAL PERFECT LAPDOG. A CRAZY ONE AT THAT ┛
Jeu 20 Juil - 21:12


IRL ▴ infos

HI BARBIE kokoro
Re bienvenue avec ce choix incroyable noway
Ven 21 Juil - 20:42

Barbara Handler
Barbara Handler

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Elle. She. Her.
Faceclaim :
Margot Robbie.
Crédits :
Disponibilité :
Triggers :
Dollars :
Occupation :
A la découverte d'elle-même et de ce qu'elle pourra devenir.
Quartier :
Garden District.
Localisation :
A la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Convictions :
Barbie ne sait que penser du phénomène des portes, elle y voit autant une opportunité qu'un danger.
Race :
Âge RP :
25 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle, She, Her.
Origines :
Barbie (2023)
Citation :
Do you guys ever think about dying?
Objectifs :
Être une humaine, tout simplement.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Barbie-margot-robbie
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Anigif_sub-buzz-893-1682389904-2
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 0ivz7tbzs2691Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2b2528ebe8e331ef3962e89a5c92c501b5ab0d1dr1-524-858v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... EYDGUJJBQLBKJU2LC4NODCXPLQBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Marvels-agatha-harkness_utyw.128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 5ec0801cd9054a5089ef5f15408b6815Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2Q==Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Colin-farrell-speaks-at-adobe-emea-summit-at-excel-on-may-news-photo-1677767993.jpg?crop=0.667xw:1.00xh;0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 3853711b20a84ef264d589fe0d69e0c25f5274b0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8230a6229ee9d087d1a627764ac1abc4e8d03fdcr1-320-300v2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Princesses-auroraBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Ab67706c0000da84036443274289f6024ddc7619Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... JonissGadge.128.405653Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... FRU81UeWUAUwIwx_pqrjktBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw-526ZA2Rtcdrr4uTN3gXsT3uMTkc4Whs5A&usqp=CAUBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 317656Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 085547e67f09b6fa19d0ed4b52048f70Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7ies97v415ta1Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 26a4e521-5f10-4366-a049-3c2316075c8bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 8a029ceab14d89471af7d13fd9e47d0bBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 01ce367d3f9c66a28a63e050347d6a03

Hi Barbies danse inlove inlove
MERCI TOUT LE MONDE fan fan fan fan fan fan fan
Je vais tenter de faire honneur à cette icône fan
Sam 22 Juil - 17:27

Ariel of Atlantica
Ariel of Atlantica

IRL ▴ infos
Pseudo :
Pronoms IRL :
Il | He | Him
Faceclaim :
Halle Bailey
Crédits :
Spicy Pumpkin (ma perfection)
Disponibilité :
Warnings :
Manipulation | Deuil | Mort | Emprise psychologique | Magie noire | Sexe
Triggers :
Vos limites sont les miennes.
Dollars :
Occupation :
Soigneuse animalière au sein du refuge faunique national Wildlife refuge
Quartier :
Les îles vénitiennes
Localisation :
A La Nouvelle-Orléans, loin de chez elle.
Convictions :
Les portes sont sa malédiction, son exil forcé dans ce monde étrange sa punition pour le pacte qu'elle a passé autrefois.
Race :
Autrefois sirène. A présent humaine.
Âge RP :
23 ans.
Pronoms RP :
Elle | She | Her
Origines :
La Petite Sirène (Disney - dessin animé et live action)
Citation :
What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand? Bet'cha on land they understand. Bet they don't reprimand their daughters. Bright young women, sick of swimmin'... Ready to stand.
Objectifs :
Retrouver sa famille. Rentrer chez elle.
Gif :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Giphy
Gif 2 :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7ae2f1b4a49c2b4a2475766d84dcbd239d4e6967
Multicomptes :
Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... CommunityIcon_b407drr1pjm91Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 2721548-1797268_delia_and_mimey_largeBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... C7109fff7f58fc73cce6234b5c98b5bf11f2ea69_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_6f61f305e976_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... UczTDm-w_400x400Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_786b733591f7_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Aaron-tveitBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpjzPOtB8m-72YAdgLSFIbeU6poWcRjIxk8w&usqp=CAUBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 9k=Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 290px-Wielki_Moff_Tarkin_02Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Eb844ac400284cb98aa3f3265852e5dfBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Ym2Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 1686350796-zegegBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 076_CHL_143277Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Peter%2BCushing%2Bin%2BThe%2BMummyBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 74194b67646df8cb5369347cfac38dbeBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 960x0Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... MikkelsenBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Indiana-jones-5-star-phoebe-waller-bridge-says-maybe-in-the-future-well-see-a-helena-shaw-spinoffBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 7a5d74a9-80fb-48e0-b7a0-4140f03d8f56Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Mads-Mikkelsen_GQ_06Sep13_pr_1280Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 254321_fullBarbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_c6e63370ceb1_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_d704281de829_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... 85671c33795b5ec33e503d8c70d6644b27043ffcv2_128Barbie | Since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. Until... Avatar_7b56aa33bd28_128

Feuille de personnage

━ la validation.

❝ bravo à toi, tu es validé (ée) ❞

commentaires de Oly. @Barbara Handler

Le film a l'air incroyable, tu m'as vraiment donné envie de le voir  luv  luv  luv Il me tarde de voir ce que tu vas faire de notre Barbie internationale à La Nouvelle-Orléans  excited  excited  fan  fan .
aide à l'intégration. passe un coup d'oeil sur ces liens 938388270

Félicitations, tu es validé·ée.  aaaaa

Il y a des endroits incontournables pour bien intégrer ton personnage au forum. Passe dans les bottins pour le référencer un peu partout, ou dans les demandes pour lui créer des lieux nécessaires à son évolution. Tu peux obtenir un rang, une maison, un métier, beaucoup de choses !

Ton personnage en a terminé avec la paperasserie administrative et il lui faut des liens, des ships ou des RPs ? Si tu aimes le hasard et que tu es timide, c'est à cet endroit pour te faire conseiller par notre adorable communauté.  love

Si tu as des idées précises en tête, c'est dans la rubrique des scénarios et des pré-liens qu'il te faut aller.  3482194067

Ensuite, pourquoi ne pas poster tes fiches de liens ou de RPs et même tester les différents moyens de faire évoluer ses rapports avec les autres personnages à cet endroit ? Tu peux lister ses liens, ses sujets, ses échanges et correspondances, son carnet de voyage ou journal intime, et même t'amuser à le faire interviewer par les autres membres, haha.  frog

Pour t'aider à t'intégrer au sein de notre communauté, nous te proposons de participer au flood, de jouer avec nous, de nous montrer tes talents artistiques ou de plume, et même de visiter notre Discord adoré.

Un souci, une question ?
Pas d'inquiétude, contacte un membre de l'équipe administrative !  leche
Amuse-toi bien parmi nous  pinkheart

Contenu sponsorisé

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